Together4Digital: A partnership with Microsoft Italia to help 100,000 businesses go digital

To build the bank of the future, it is essential that we lean on the market leaders of digital and data know-how so we can continue to evolve as a bank, and as a Group.
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Digital & Data

The collaboration between UniCredit and Microsoft aimed to further intensify our commitment to digitalisation by promoting both the modernisation of production and distribution processes, and the consolidation of digital skills, in line with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). The collaboration, launched at the end of 2021 and further strengthened in 2022, aimed to generate a positive impact for all levels of the value chain and for all production chains in the country through a series of structured interventions.

Together4Digital_ a partnership with Microsoft Italia

Microsoft offered specialised advice, technology and digital solutions through their partner, Var Group, on the platform. Starting from May 2022, companies willing to launch their transformation could freely be recipient of a Solution Assessment driven by experts who assessed their digital skills and suggested tailored action plans with a focus on the proper cyber security posture. In addition, e-skills training were made available according to specific needs.

UniCredit offers financial support for digital investment, personalised assistance and education on financing tools through its Banking Academy. All companies were also granted access to Warrant Hub’s tailored advice on subsidized finance and tax issues, to verify if companies are eligible and have the necessary requirements to access NRRP funds.

Together, Microsoft and UniCredit provide SMEs with quick and simple services and solutions to assess their degree of digitalisation. By continuing our digital evolution with key players like Microsoft, we can build a better bank for our people and provide them with the tools they need for the future.

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