Su Misura per Te (Tailor Made For You)

This year, guided by our strategic plan, we shifted our focus to Simplification and streamlining our processes across all facets of the business.
Reading time: 2 min
Su Misura per te

A program aimed at simplifying the daily life of the Italian Network by eliminating unnecessary and redundant checks and tasks, “Tailor Made for You” was created to simplify our Bank’s processes, many of which have transformed to becoming unnecessarily complex and lengthy. The project was launched to build an in-depth comparison of current processes and strategies to make our way of operating faster and more efficient.

As part of the initiative, one component included was the paper-based authorisation for non-digitised customers. This allowed our bank to continue to serve customers in the best possible way, especially those whom, for various reasons - one of which is age – are unfamiliar with new technology. This means that we were able to complete the contracts for products and services for non-digitised customers using the old paper printing system, meeting these needs as well.

The overall project automated repetitive activities to free-up commercial time by: rationalising checks and administrative tasks considered obsolete or redundant; automating repetitive activities to reduce network fatigue and reducing the cost to serve. It also allowed for continuous “listening” to the network proposals, thanks to a “Sounding Board” created by branch manager colleagues.

Throughout the year, almost 200 interventions were applied including: 147 checks and administrative tasks that were rationalised, 27 processes reviewed, and 13 automatisation processes implemented.

New projects are planned to be implemented in the next year as our bank continues along its simplification journey.

A conversation with...

Lorena Colombarolli, UniCredit Branch and Market Manager, Verona Garibaldi

In your opinion, what did the “Su Misura per Te” project mean for UniCredit?  

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The “Su Misura Per Te” (Tailor Made for You) project brought the network closer to management, with the aim of simplifying our network to make it more efficient. It has allowed us to dedicate ourselves more effectively to business activities, freeing up time to devote to the customer.

Who was most involved in the “Su Misura per Te” project?  

In addition to the 13 other Branch Managers with whom I worked on Su Misura Per Te as a single team, the activity involved the entire management team of Italy, whom we met periodically and that supported us as the activities progressed. We also collaborated with different structures of the management team, by identifying solutions and then testing and successfully implementing them. In addition, in order to define the priorities suggested by frontline colleagues who interact daily with customers, we monitored the network's satisfaction index with respect to the changes carried out.  

Why are you particularly proud to have worked on this project?  

The Su Misura Per Te project, which came about after a particularly challenging period for the network structures due to the pandemic, had the objective of finding quick solutions to make everyone's work more efficient. For those of us who work every day – according to the principle of the “good father of the family” – being able to put all our colleagues in the best possible working conditions gave us a sense of pride. Being able to touch results with our own hands encouraged the team to devote more time to this project every day, motivated by their determination to have a clear objective and explore every idea and action necessary to achieve it.

How has this project contributed to the overall strategy of our Bank?  

People remain at the centre of our strategy. Even more, they remain at the heart of UniCredit’s business. If our colleagues are provided with the right tools, they work with passion and with greater satisfaction. This satisfaction is then naturally perceived by the customer, whose appreciation for the company only grows from there, precisely due to their contact and experience they have with our company’s professionals. A more enthusiastic and motivated sales team therefore improves both internal satisfaction among colleagues and external customer satisfaction – and as such, this provides a positive impact on our business overall and drives our strategy forward.

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