UniCredit University

Providing our people with the tools and resources they need to be successful is essential to building a strong and motivated workforce.
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An image of a convention of UniCredit University

With the pilot of the programme launched in May in Turin, UniCredit University Italy is a physical and digital ecosystem, with a head office and 20 regional training centres. The University is focused on developing the skills and talents of every individual. Our people embark on a journey that guides them from the moment they join the company and helps them build strong connections with the business, territory and the closeness to our people.

A new training offering for all our people

Among the guiding principles of UniCredit University Italy, the return to face-to-face training for the sharing of knowledge and experiences, a new personalised learning experience and a catalog developed on the evolutionary skills of the roles of the network, is central.

The training offer, tailored and simplified, is characterised by a hybrid training model that sees the alternation of digital training and live-presence and is structured across 4 main paths: People, Business, Risk and Training by Role. Since its introduction, the learning plat- form has launched 36 new learning paths, 13,000 participants, for more than 800,000 training hours, achieving an 8/10 average satisfaction index. All training 2022-2023 has been financed by €6.2 million of interprofessional funds.

Furthermore, to invest in internal experience and skills, contributing to the sustainability of the University, an internal faculty of business trainers has been launched. Each of them receives a dedicated training course, moreover, a certification will be issued by a prestigious accredited Business School. In 2022, 275 trainers voluntarily joined the project, and 170 are expected for 2023.


training centres


Hours of training



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